Mass Parts

The St. Michael Hymnal contains 18 complete settings of the Ordinary of the Mass. Of these settings, 6 are Latin Gregorian chant settings and 12 are English settings with the texts of the new translation of the Mass. For a complete listing of the mass settings and service music to be found in the fourth edition of the St. Michael Hymnal, click HERE.

Preview copies and recordings of selected parts of the English mass settings can be found below. For the mass settings which are from other publishers, previews and recordings may be found on their websites by clicking on the link provided.

Mass of the Sacred Heart

A masterfully-crafted English plainchant mass by well-known composer, Richard Rice.

Agnus Dei

Siena Chant Mass

A melodic chant-like setting by Fr. Michael O’Connor, O.P., written for St. Catherine of Siena Parish in NYC.

Agnus Dei

Mass of the Patriarchs

A remarkably accessible mass setting, based on a simple ancient French tune – in both English and Spanish.

Agnus Dei

Missa Verbum Caro

A beautiful polyphonic-style mass by James McGregor, based on Hassler’s “Verbum Caro Factum Est.”

Agnus Dei

Mass of St. Michael

A lovely metrical mass setting by Fr. Michael O’Connor, O.P., based on two Ukrainian chants.

Agnus Dei

Mass of the Emmanuel

A festive metrical mass setting by James McGregor, based on a traditional French melody.

Agnus Dei

Mass of the Great Prophet

An elegant metrical mass setting by Fr. Michael O’Connor, O.P., based on Mendelssohn’s “Elijah.”

Agnus Dei

Missa Simplex

A simple and melodic plainchant setting of the mass by Richard Proulx and Fr. Michael O’Connor, O.P.

Mass of Charity and Love

A contemporary mass setting by Steven Warner, based on the familiar chant “Where Charity and Love Prevail.”

People’s Mass

Jan Vermulst’s well-known mass, revised to accommodate the new translation of the Roman Missal.

Heritage Mass

Owen Alstott’s popular and singable mass, revised to accommodate the new translation of the Roman Missal.

English Missal Setting

The official English plainchant setting of the mass by ICEL, which will be printed in the new Roman Missal.